Heartbreak, but make it fashion: How to deal with a breakup according to Blackpink’s music video ‘Lovesick Girls’

Going through a big breakup? So is everyone from Blackpink, apparently. The K-pop sensations just released their newest music video ‘Lovesick Girls’, a boogie-friendly bop about the more painful parts of love (not to be confused with ‘Lovesick Blues‘, which is a vastly more country take on the topic).
In this video, the girls explore the highs and lows of relationships in a visual treat (and we’re not just talking about the videography). However, between the classic bubble-gum beauty and the catchy tunes, we couldn’t help but notice that the girls have inadvertently given us beauty tips for days.
From mascara that just won’t budge to smudged eye makeup that looks fashionably cried out, here are a few tips on how to deal with a breakup through beauty:
TIP #1: Invest in some waterproof mascara

You see, Rosé is clearly a mess, weeping in this grubby bathtub. There’s dirt and paint on her face, and you can clearly see the tracks of her tears—however, somehow her mascara remains unsoiled. That, friends, is a great mascara right there.
When you’re mourning a breakup, there’s bound to be tears involved. Just don’t let those tears ruin a perfectly good lash look, yeah? All you need is a great waterproof mascara to stop the raccoon eyes from setting in.
Try: Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof Mascara
TIP #2: Get a waterproof setting spray to match

Look, if standing under the rain is what you need to do to move on: Go for it. You know what they say; water is cleansing and purifying or something. However, do not let a waterfall get in the way of your flawless face.
If Jisoo’s look here tells us anything, it’s that no amount of water is any match for her base—it’s all about that primer-foundation-powder-setting spray layering game. It’s clear she’s also taken a leaf out of Rosé’s book, opting for a waterproof mascara. Excellent move.
Try: Urban Decay All Nighter Long Lasting Makeup Setting Spray
TIP #3: Get a drastic hair makeover

Any lass will tell you that the best cure for heartbreak is a drastic cut and colour—preferably of the DIY variety. The key is that you’ll be so upset about your botched hair makeover that you’ll simply forget about the part where you’ve just been dumped.
Okay, so maybe not the best strategy—however, Lisa has just shown us a way to get the same cathartic feel without the risk of adding insult to injury. Just dye the underside of your hair! Lisa has gone for a very light silver-white in the video, but really you could go wild with the colour on this look. The best part? If you mess up, no one will be able to tell unless they’re looking for it!
Try: Bleach London Total Bleach Kit
TIP #4: Lean into the grunge look

Rosé has pre-empted her tears, and has instead chosen to integrate them into a statement eye look instead.
An easy way to cover up red, irritated eyes that have just been crying? Rim your eyes with pinks and red! Want your streaky, melting eyeliner to look intentional? Add a darker accent of eyeshadow to your lower outer corners. Easy!
While we’re at it, let’s talk about hair:

Who really has the energy to create perfectly polished curls when they’re mid-mental breakdown? Follow in Jennie’s footsteps and just skip the comb altogether. Trust us—it’s very ’90s heroin-chic.

In fact, why stop there? Washing your hair can’t be an everyday thing right now, can it? You’ve barely left bed. You have no energy to scrub your scalp. Not to fret, there’s an easy fix—cover your undoubtedly greasy roots with a hoodie.
Added bonus? The sebum from your roots are conditioning your lengths. Hello, princess!
TIP #5: Coordinate your post-breakup looks with your other heartbroken friends

Hey, 2020 hasn’t been easy for anyone—this should be a breeze to do. It’s the cheerleader effect; if both you and your pals look like straight-up hot messes together, it cancels out and you all end up looking alternative instead.
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