With International Women’s Day (8 March 2020) approaching, it’s time we celebrate the women around us. This goes without saying—but women are amazing; and these five Malaysian TikTok-ers are proof of that very sentiment. These everyday women inspire us in every aspect on the social sharing platform—from food to joy to kindness.
1. Linora Low (@linoralow)
Linora Low on TikTok
She is a household name in the field of fitness in Malaysia. Check out helpful workouts from the fitness enthusiast; many of them can be done in the comfort of your home. If you’re thinking of achieving your fitness goals for 2020, Linora is the right person to go to!
2. Michelle Tai (@michelletai_oe)
Michelle Tai on TikTok
If you’re up for some laughs, Michelle Tai’s videos are perfect for you. She creates comedic content featuring friends as regular cast members—while being an entrepreneur. Michelle and her friends use Bahasa Malaysia in many of her videos; making them entertaining for all Malaysians.
3. Cik SnowWhite (@chishikuzan88)
Cik SnowWhite on TikTok
Did you know that you can also get inspirations for your next meal on TikTok? Cik SnowWhite uses her videos to show how she makes her family’s favourite meals—from simple snacks to elaborate dishes. Truly an inspiration for Malaysian foodies!
4. Ms. Aien (@ms.aien)
Ms. Aien on TikTok
Ms. Aien is a TikTok-er that truly leads by example. She shares valuable life lessons by spreading awareness on the importance of being kind to everyone she meets—regardless of background. In her videos, Ms. Aien inspires Malaysians to always be there for someone in need.
5. LittleGrapy (@grapyemi)
LittleGrapy on TikTok
This supermum TikTok-er captures her favorite moments with her children—keeping a digital diary featuring memories, holidays, and activities. Follow LittleGrapy for wholesome content with her children that tug at your heart strings. Oh, she also does this in addition to having a regular job!
Regardless of culture, let’s take 8 March (and beyond) to give thanks and show our appreciation to the women in our lives—from mothers to friends and relatives to colleagues. Linora Low, Michelle Tai, Cik SnowWhite, LittleGrapy, and Ms. Aien are just some of the many everyday superheroes on TikTok.
Happy International Women’s Day!
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