We’ve all witnessed the negative impact of COVID-19, but on the bright side, the lockdown has also seen an emergence of creative challenges and apps that make life under isolation that bit more enjoyable. TikTok, for one, became the social media sensation during this time, and Zoom is arguably the reigning video conference platform at the moment. If you miss simple movie nights with your friends and family, there’s the Netflix Party app that allows you to have movie nights with your friends and family remotely.
Seeing how there are apps for almost any and everything now, the one that’s currently on our radar? Squadded Shopping Party—a platform that lets you shop with your friends online—perfect for those who are still hesitant to head to the mall. Its creator Elysa Khan (who’s a former L’Oreal brand manager) says, “the idea of being able to talk to my friends and get an authentic review when I go shopping is very important for me. That element is missing online.”
To get started, all you need to do is download the Chrome extension, enter one of the fashion sites that are currently available (including ASOS, Sephora, Topshop, Boohoo, and more), invite your friends to join the “squad”, and shop away! You and your friends will be able to interact when you add an item onto your wishlist—so no more relying on sending links or photos to get your BFF’s approval anymore. The best part? You can sip on a glass of wine while you’re at it.
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