Update (12 January 2021):
What you need to know about Malaysia’s ‘darurat’ (state of emergency) 2021
- The Malay Mail has published a translated version of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry’s full list of companies/sub-sectors that will be allowed to operate during MCO. It includes hotel and accommodation, packaging and printing (under manufacturing), financial services, and professional services (including accountants/ lawyers/ auditors/ engineers/ architects)
- For companies under essential services, only 30 per cent of employees in the management group (e.g accounting, finance, administration, legal and planning) are allowed to be in the office. “Employees of the company who are allowed to be at work according to the specified times are required to bring along a copy of the notification provided by the employer together with the employee pass/employer confirmation letter,” says Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali
- Employees in the other sectors are required to work from home. More information can be found on the National Security Council’s website
- The two-persons per household ruling still stands for states under MCO with the exception of an emergency (e.g visit to the hospital) where three people will be allowed
- Covid-19 patients at levels one and two (mild or no symptoms) will undergo treatment and quarantine at home for 10 days, as announced by the Ministry of Health today. On the last day, a screening test will be conducted in their respective homes. However, the ministry staff will first access the suitability of the home whereby if the house is too small or crowded, the patients will be taken to the hospital
Today’s numbers:
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Update (11 January 2021):
In today’s 6PM address, Prime Minister Muhyiddin has announced the following to take effect beginning 13 January 2021:
13 – 26 January 2021
- MCO — Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan (Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya), Johor, Melaka, Penang and Sabah
- CMCO — Kedah, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang
- RMCO — Sarawak, Perlis
In addition, during this duration:
- States under MCO — Movement will be limited to a 10km radius for essentials only. There will be a 2-people (per household) limit per vehicle—any individuals found breaking this will be issued a maximum compound of RM1,000
- Interstate travel will be banned for the whole country, effective 13 Jan, with roadblocks to be set-up again by midnight
- Social activities such as weddings, conventions, religious gatherings (including Thaipusam), seminars, meetings, as well as group sports activities will not be allowed
- States under MCO — Restaurants will only be allowed to offer take-aways and deliveries
- States under CMCO and RMCO — Restaurants will be allowed to offer both dine-in and take-aways, as per SOPs
- Supermarkets, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and banks will still be allowed to operate for states under MCO
- Only five economic sectors will be allowed to operate, including manufacturing, trading, agriculture, and commodity services
- “A work-from-home order will be enforced for those not in the list,” the PM says
- Students who are taking “crucial exams” such as SPM, SVM, SKM, STPM, STAM and DVM will be allowed to attend school under strict SOPs
- Outdoor recreational activities are allowed for members of the same household, but individuals have to keep a 2m-distance and not more than two people are allowed to jog at any one time
- Further details of the SOPs will revealed at 5pm on January 12 during Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s media conference, as reported by The Star
Today’s numbers:
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Update (8 January 2021):
Be wary of the forwarded text messages or rumours surrounding a possible lockdown. For now, Chanel News Asia’s Malaysia Bureau Chief Melissa Goh has reported that Prime Minister Muhyiddin is expected to announce stricter SOPs on Monday.
PM Muhyiddin is expected to make a special announcement on Monday regarding stricter SOPs to curb the rapid spread of #COVIDー19 cases in the community : SM Ismail Sabri pic.twitter.com/0Q9KbyntOh
— Melissa Goh (@MelGohCNA) January 8, 2021
“A special meeting of the National Security Council is reviewing and assessing all the measures to be taken immediately to control the spread of Covid-19. This includes considering imposing tighter standard operating procedures, including in the social sector, to reduce movement and risk of Covid-19,” says Senior Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, as reported by The Star.
Update (7 January 2021):
In today’s news, Malaysia has reported another record-high—3,027 cases. Rumours of a possible lockdown have been circulating since yesterday after “a supposed document of an internal meeting within the National Security Council (NSC) and several other government agencies went viral” but to which, NSC has rejected the supposed “MCO 2.0” as false.
Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah did comment yesterday that the Malaysian healthcare system is currently “at a breaking point” and “there is a need for a circuit breaker or targeted lockdown”, as reported by The Malay Mail. He added that the “Ministry of Health (MOH) is bracing for another spike in cases in the coming weeks on the back of the recent festive season.”
Meanwhile, here’s everything you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccines coming to Malaysia.
Update (29 December 2020):
With the huge surge of positive Covid-19 cases recently, CMCO in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Sabah has now been extended from Dec 31 to Jan 14, 2021. Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob further explained that “all nine districts in Selangor, including Hulu Selangor, Kuala Selangor and Sabak Bernam, which were earlier recorded as green zones, are now red zones”.
The decision was made at the special National Security Council (NSC) meeting “based on the advice by the Health Ministry.
On December 26, Malaysia recorded the highest number of positive Covid-19 cases reported in a day (at 2,335) and to date, there are a total of 20,643 active cases. The question is: Would the SOPs thus change?
“If cases soar and the Health Ministry wants us to review the SOP, we will do so. For now, the ministry has not advised the National Security Council on this matter but we are not discounting it, ” said Ismail Sabri yesterday at a media briefing.
We’ll be sure to update if there are reports of a change in SOPs.
Update (5 December 2020):
The answer to everyone’s question has finally been answered. Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced today that the CMCO will be extended for Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and most of Selangor till December 20. He added, “Sabak Bernam, Hulu Selangor, and Kuala Selangor in Selangor are the only areas in Selangor to not be under the conditional MCO.”
There will also be no more roadblocks at state borders beginning December 7 as interstate travel will be allowed (except for areas under EMCO). As such a police permit will also no longer be required while the limit for number of passengers per vehicle will also be removed. Instead, the police will focus more on SOP compliance.
Here’s the update for states and areas where the CMCO will be extended until Dec 20.Interstate travel will be allowed for all states, except areas under EMCO.For Sabah, a Covid-19 test needs to be done 3 days before entry.Read more: https://t.co/ZGoiYcdPF2 pic.twitter.com/PZm6FCfX39
— malaysiakini.com (@malaysiakini) December 5, 2020
Update (13 November 2020):
Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced today that “three people from the same house will be allowed to be in a vehicle“, including “for taxis and e-hailing vehicles.”
Update (7 November 2020):
Senior Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has announced that all but three states in the Peninsular will be placed under CMCO from 9 November to 6 December 2020. The three states excluded from CMCO are Perlis, Pahang, and Kelantan. This also means that CMCO in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Sabah, and Labuan will be extended.
Previous standard operating procedures (SOP) apply to the CMCO in Kedah, Penang, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, and Terengganu.
Note that Kelantan, Pahang, and Perlis are under the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO). Hence, only inter-district travels within the three states are allowed.
Update (3 November 2020):
According to Senior Minister (Defence) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Seremban will be placed under CMCO from 5 November until 18 November 2020. The districts that will be affected include Ampangan, Bandar Seremban, Labu, Rantau, Rasah, Setul, Pantai, and Lenggeng.
Update (26 October 2020):
The CMCO will be extended for two weeks—until 9 November 2020, according to Senior Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob. The CMCO in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, and Putrayaja was initially scheduled to end on 27 October 2020. The SOP remains during the entire duration of Conditional Movement Control Order.
On 26 October 2020, it was reported that there are 1,240 new positive cases—with seven deaths. This bring the total to 27,805 in Ma
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