Local artist Limzy Lim, or better known as lovelimzy on Instagram, is known for her distinctive style of art, where she incorporates petals, leaves and whole flowers on top of delicate illustrations to create beautiful portraits and artworks. As part of #CharlesKeithCurates – a digital campaign that seeks to document fashion through creativity – Charles & Keith embarked on a collaboration with Limzy for a unique creative view of the brand in Malaysia.
“Art is about the emotional charge and energy with you, the art piece and the surrounding,” says Limzy. “The same goes to fashion. A good piece of painting will elevate your room with positive vibes and colourful energy. I think it’s absolutely great that many brands see the potential of individual artists and designers. It’s such an experimental and fun era that embraces creativity and speech freedom; you can basically create or do anything.”
The beautiful bucket bag you see in the image above will not be available for purchase, but Limzy has create two exclusive artworks for Charles & Keith Malaysia that will be printed on canvas tote bags as a limited edition gift with purchase. The tote bags will be redeemable (subject to availability) in-stores from 20 May till 18 June 2017 with any purchase of RM380.
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For more information on #CharlesKeithCurates, visit the website.
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