Ah Christmas, at a blink of an eye it is almost upon us again. In conjunction with the season of giving, The Body Shop launches its wildest campaign over: the brand pledges to restore one square metre of rainforest with each festive gift set sold this Christmas. This conservation initiative complements the first Bio-Bridge (a ‘corridor’ connecting healthy rainforests to link endangered animals and allow them to breed, increasing the sustainability rates for these animals) programme that was introduced in June this year, which has seen more than 10 million square metres of bio-bridges built in Vietnam.
This Christmas, The Body Shop brings the Bio-Bridge campaign to Malaysia. Working with Wildlife Conservation Society-Malaysia (WCS-Malaysia), they aim to protect the landscape of Endau-Rompin Landscape in Johor and Pahang, restoring bio-bridges to increase the population of endangered animals such as the Malayan tigers, Asian elephant and tapirs.
But The Body Shop’s giving spirit goes beyond the holiday season—they will also be continuously funding WCS-Malaysia in the Bio-Bridge programme over the next five years with the Kick the Bag campaign. It’s a win-win situation for the conservation project: for every bag taken by customers, RM0.50 is collected and donated to the fund; but if a bag is declined, The Body Shop will donate RM0.50 to the fund. Now that is a worthy commitment.
Check out a selection of Christmas gift sets available at The Body Shop here:
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