On Sunday, the house of Dior launched its #DiorLoveChain charity initiative with a digital campaign that starred the likes of Natalie Portman, Robert Pattinson, Jennifer Lawrence and Johnny Depp. In the short video, the stars are seen giving their answers to the question:
What would you be prepared to do for love?
With each #DiorLoveChain post on Instagram, Dior Parfums will donate $1 to WE Charity, the charity division of We Movement, to support the education of young women worldwide. You, too, can join the movement by following these simple steps:
1. Think about what you would do for love, and film your answer in a black and white video
2. Post the video on Instagram
3. Include the tags @wemovement, @diorparfums, #diorlovechain, #missdiorforlove, and #diormy
4. Lastly, nominate 2 of your loved ones to keep the Dior Love Chain going!
Head to Dior Parfums’ Instagram page (@diorparfums) to find out more about this initiative, and see who else starred in this charity campaign.
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