The hipster beard trend has seen better days, and word is out on the street that fashionistas are bidding RIP to this trend, which had previously seen an increase in beard-grooming kit sales and a dip in razorblade sales. If you’ve ever questioned the appeal behind this fad, be glad to know that scientists have demystified the intrigue by citing that beards (and clean-shaven faces alike) become more popular when they are rare, according to research done by University of New South Wales.
But if you look as debonair as Jared Leto with his ombré tresses and well-kempt ‘stache and beard, you be you and don’t look back. Here’s a round up of quirky facial foliage styles spotted on the runways from dyed beards to lego-bricked ‘facial hair’, because who says you can’t pull couture off if you have got a (hairy) statement to make?
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