
#MondayMontage: A burst of colours

Colour splash


By Buro247

#MondayMontage: A burst of colours

These pictures are so wonderfully arranged that you will automatically feel like you’re exploring the Museum of Modern Art right in your smartphone. What we love about these Instagrams is that each frame actually looks delectable. These Instagrammers effortlessly make art look like food and food look like art.


1. Little Drill

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Owned by Shelby Edwards, this Instagram account will inspire your creativity with her use of simple everyday items (and food) to create the most beautiful posts. From her use of pastel colors in each picture to her creative direction, it is really hard to stop your thumbs from scrolling down her account to see the magic of her art unfold. 


2. Matt Crump

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Matt Crump is creator of the digital-art movement #candyminimal, which displays candy-coloured photos that are minimalist. His signature is making every frame look as delectable as a giant rainbow coloured lollipop. Also on his account are beautiful shots that capture the grandiose of architecture with his #candyminimal voice. 


3. Sam Ushiro

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Sam Ushiro is a Industrial Designer, Photo Stylist, and Baking Addict based in New York. Her love of baked goods (and donuts) will be immediately noticeable on her Instagram. Also a lover of colors, Sam’s account is designed to reflect her personality and current obsessions. But really, her love of donuts is what makes her Instagram aww.sam! 

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