Since its inception 11 years ago, the iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAwards) has been a stunning showcase of what a simple tool can do in capturing striking images. The 11th edition saw thousands of entries from photographers around the world submitting their best work across 18 different categories including portrait, nature, architecture, travel and etc.
This year’s entries were as diverse as the 140 countries that sent them in and a greater portrayal of the photographers’ iPhone skills. Noticeably, there were less selfies and food photography, and more remote locations and emotional subjects. “iPhone users have become very fluent in visual storytelling. This year’s photos were technically impressive and many of them were very personal,” said Kenan Aktulum, the competition’s founder.
The grand prize was awarded to Bangladeshi photographer, Jashim Salam who also took the title of ‘Photography of the Year’ for his image, Displaced. While the first, second and third place ‘Photographers of the Year Awards go to Alexandre Weber of Switzerland for his image, Baiana in Yellow and Blue; Huapeng Zhao of China for his entry, Eye to Eye and Zarni Myo Win of Myanmar for his image, I Want to Play.
Grand Prize – Displaced by Jashim Salam
1st Place Photographer of the Year – Baiana in Yellow and Blue by Alexandre Weber
2nd Place Photographer of the Year – Eye to Eye by Huapeng Zhao
3rd Place Photographer of the Year – I Want to Play by Zarni Myo Win
See more winning entries for the 2018 iPhone Photography Awards here.
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