Today marks the opening of a much-anticipated event, one where Potterheads will squeal in delight reliving their fantasies. Harry Potter: A History of Magic being held at the Britihs Library boasts more than 100 artefacts and materials centred around ancient magic set in different themed Hogwarts classes.
Every room is decorated with hanging books, broomsticks, wands or crystal balls and each area has little surprises to watch out for—from interactive opportunities to making potions.
Fans will also get a chance to see early drafts of the Harry Potter books, on loan from author J.K. Rowling. This also includes a handwritten list of teachers and subjects at Hogwarts and her drawings of the characters. Also on exhibit is a map of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
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In short, it’s all the bits and pieces of the magic that permeated our lives when Harry Potter first made his way into our world 20 years ago. In case you’re wondering, we have Alice Newton to thank for this. The then eight-year-old daughter of a Bloomsbury publishing executive wrote on the manuscript that her father brought back for her to read: “The excitement in this book made me feel warm inside. I think it is possibly one of the best books an 8/9 year old could read.” History was made then.
“Encountering objects for real that have, in some shape or form, figured in my books has been quite wonderful, and to have several of my own items in the exhibition is a reminder of 20 amazing years since Harry was first published,” said J.K. Rowling.
Harry Potter: A History of Magic runs till February 2018. Tickets are available via the British Library.
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