
Buro Reviews: Lifestyle Juicery’s cold pressed juice cleanse

Juice has never been so essential


By Buro247

Buro Reviews: Lifestyle Juicery’s cold pressed juice cleanse

Cold pressed juices have been gaining traction over the past few years, but what are they exactly? As opposed to a traditional extraction, cold pressed juices are made with a hydraulic press machine that exerts up to 50 tons of pressure on fruits and vegetables to extract the natural sugars, vitamins, trace minerals, enzymes and other nutrients. This gives cold pressed juice the vibrant hue that you don’t see in homemade juices. Many health enthusiasts believe that you should give your body a break and drink nothing but cold pressed juice to detox your body for a few days in order to reap the wide range of benefits.


Lifestyle Juicery was established from a passion to bring people food and drink products that are healthy and convenient. Codi believes that a cleanse is the perfect way to make a nutritious change, reboot the system and start afresh. That is why he decided to start with juice cleansing plans that offer home delivery. He encourages his clients to make a plan that suits them as it is a very personal choice. Lifestyle Juicery offers 4- or 6-day cleanses to give their clients’ bodies enough time to work on self-healing and detoxifying themselves.

I went on the 4-day cleanse by Lifestyle Juicery and here is what I experienced.


Day 1:

The juice arrived at my office before I  did, so they were ready for me first thing in the morning. The first bottle of juice was a mixture of carrot, orange, celery, pineapple, apple, and parsley, which was light and revitalising, with a predominant carrot flavour. As I am not able to drink my usual morning cup of coffee while on the cleanse, I was pleased that the juice managed to get me energised and ready to seize the day. I prefer to take my time sipping on my drinks and it took me 2 hours to finish this bottle of juice, which meant that by the time I was done with one I was ready for the next bottle.


Each bottle is about 500ml which is a very generous amount of juice in a bottle compared to other brands of cold pressed juice. Since I was going from one bottle to the next, I didn’t find the lack of food too difficult. I did sip on other things while I was drinking the juices like green tea and lots of water, as advised.


As a person who stays up late, I worried that I would get hungry in the middle of the night but the nut milk (my last bottle of the day) kept me satiated for a surprisingly long time. The first day ended with ease and I didn’t have any cravings or hunger pangs at all.

Day 2:

I woke up famished on Day 2 but found solace in my first bottle of juice. The juices are the same 6 bottles that should be drunk in the same order every day. I drank this bottle a lot quicker than I had the day before and it kept my hunger at bay. The only difference was the caffeine withdrawal was starting to kick in on the second day and I felt headaches and dizziness. This was quickly overcome by drinking lots of green tea and water.


I did feel more focused at work, which may also been because I wanted to keep my mind away from the headaches and many food distractions on my desk, but being more focused is one of the benefits of a juice cleanse. Although I did not refrigerate my juices on Day 2, this didn’t affect the taste of the juice at all.

Being more focused is one of the benefits of a juice cleanse.

Day 3:

I went for Hot Yoga in the morning and found it quite a challenge, but drinking more water quickly fixed that. It is important to stay hydrated during your cleanse because juices are a natural diuretic and you will find yourself going to the toilet more often so you will have to replenish your liquid stores by drinking more water.


I did feel quite used to the cleanse on this day and looked forward to each bottle of juice as I have come to really enjoy each one. I also felt happier and more calm, and was impressed by my ability to resist food for this long. By this day, I was more aware of old eating habits and I won’t lie, I started silently judging other people’s food choices as they ate in front of me.

Day 4:

Day 4 was easy as my body had gotten used to the routine, although I did feel like I missed the sensation of chewing on food. The headaches I felt on Day 2 and 3 were gone by this day and I stopped craving coffee or tea. All I had was water to help me through the day and I was also looking forward to being able to eat again.


By Day 4, I felt significantly lighter and found out that I lost at least 3 kgs in the past 3 days. I was also a lot less lethargic on this day. I would say that Day 4 was much easier than Day 2 and 3, and I had a mixed feeling of relief that the cleanse was going to end and worried about what I was going to eat the next day.

Overall, the experience was really refreshing and I felt good for giving my body a chance to rest from all the snacks I usually eat at work. Post-cleanse, I am more aware of my food choices and the quantity of food that I was eating. It is also much easier after the cleanse to stop eating once I’ve had enough instead of finishing everything that is on the plate.


Another thing to note is that the service given at Lifestyle Juicery was extremely commendable. They checked in on me every morning to find out how the cleanse was going and sent motivational emails daily to encourage cleansers on their journey. Any questions I had about the cleanse were also immediately replied.



To get started on your juice cleanse with Lifestyle Juicery or for more information about juice cleanses, email [email protected] or visit

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