Our imagination is a powerful tool; if you can dream it, dare we say you can craft it too. Artists, Wong Chee Meng and Ruzzeki Harris are two examples of what you can achieve when you let your creativity run wild.
In conjunction with #BuroArtBeat, we’ve challenged them to push the boundaries beyond the usual confines of their working style and explore new horizon with the Tilt Brush by Google. The local talents will be exhibiting together at the first ever virtual reality art exhibition in Malaysia, brought to you by Buro 24/7 Malaysia in collaboration with Corum and Google Malaysia.
Meet the artists
Wong Chee Meng, 43 has been in the arts for over two decades. His paintings are a constant personal struggle as his vision had been impaired from a car accident. His eyesight is skewed by the blurring of lines and double images. Thus, his artworks are a play on the way he sees things where multiple layers sometimes cross over and overlap each other. His work is a reflection of the way he views the world.
Ruzzeki Harris, 33 is not one to be bound by conventions. He enjoys observing people and habits, and this is reflected in his artworks, which are mostly a critical and cynical take on current issues. He is moved by what strikes him as ironic or poignant, citing street art, fashion and independent music as his influences. His work mixes a dream-like, pop surreal quality and chaotic vibe at the same time.
Both artists are currently on a virtual reality journey where they get to explore, play and create one-of-a-kind art piece on a 3D canvas. Wong Chee Meng is working on a magical adventure in the interactive realm while Ruzzeki is creating one based on a mystical theme. The immersive experience is extraordinary and the excitement is palpable. To see what we mean, watch the video below.
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