Art + Design

Creating fashion out of everything in sight

Illustrations come to life


By Buro247

Creating fashion out of everything in sight

The latest trend in fashion illustration has been making full use of things that are readily available to them: that is, the environment in which the artists live. Armenian fashion illustrator Edgar Artis is the latest one to join the line-up of artists who are beginning to use everyday objects in their fashionable artworks. Artis’ style follows in the footsteps of architect and illustrator Shamekh Bluwi, who popularised the concept of paper cut-outs that created spectacular “natural” dresses for his hand-drawn models.

But other than using landscapes and cityscapes to fill in his dresses, Artis also uses random objects to create dresses that we would envy, if only we could wear them in real life. Be it burnt matchsticks and paper, pomegranate seeds, or orange peel, we’d really love to be able to see these on the runway someday.

See more beautiful illustrations from Edgar Artis and Shamekh Bluwi on Instagram. 



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