Art + Design

Sony World Photography Awards 2020: The most stunning images from finalists and shortlist


By Charmaine Loh

Sony World Photography Awards 2020: The most stunning images from finalists and shortlist

Prepare to have your visual faculty blown with the most arresting of images from the 13th annual Sony World Photography Awards. The World Photography Organisation recently announced the finalists and shortlisted photographers in the professional competition, with the winner of the Photographer of the Year award to be selected and announced during the Sony World Photography Awards 2020 ceremony this 16 April. If you’re keen on taking a closer look on their works, drop by the exhibition at Somerset House, London from 17 April to 4 May 2020.

This year, over 345,000 images from 203 territories were submitted across the 2020 Awards’ four competitions—professional, open, youth and student. The professional competition in particular, saw more than a whopping 135,000 entries across 10 categories—architecture, creative, discovery, environment, documentary, landscape, natural world & wildlife, portraiture, still life and sport—which is the highest number of entries to date.

Here are some of the works from the Sony World Photography Awards 2020 finalists and shortlists:

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For more information on the exhibition, click here.

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