
Boyfriend Breakouts: Why Your Skin Acts Up Around Him (And How To Fix It)

Love is a battlefield


By Redzhanna Jazmin

Image: Stella McCartney
Boyfriend Breakouts: Why Your Skin Acts Up Around Him (And How To Fix It)

If you’ve tried everything in your power to kick your breakouts to no avail, it’s time to look outside yourself…

Ahh… love. It’s what makes the world go round—the stuff of fairytales. A phenomenon so powerful that those who experience it seem to can’t help but gloat. It’s in their sickly sweet smiles, their puppy dog eyes and the icky baby voice that won’t turn off. Nothing makes one glow quite like love can. 

What they won’t tell you, however, is that love is also a double-edged sword. A little face time with your man is a given when you’re dating, but what you may not know is that he is potentially behind some of your worst skin days. That’s right—if you’ve noticed that your skin has been on the fritz since you got into a relationship, you’re not alone. It’s what we term the “Boyfriend Breakout”—every girl (and guy) with a man in their life has had it happen to them. Fortunately, there’s a cure. Ahead, find out how your man is breaking you out and what you can do to stop it from happening.


Reason #1: He’s too hands-on


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You know the drill—he’s looking deep into your eyes and pushing your hair behind your ears before he takes your face in his hands and leans in for a kiss. It’s so romantic! It’s also gross. Where have his hands been all day? You don’t know, and now all that mystery has been unceremoniously wiped across your cheeks. Eek!

The fix: The easy solution is to not let him touch your face. However, that comes at the cost of you forming intimate connections with your man. If you’d rather keep the spark alive, the other solution is to carry around a bottle of Tower28’s SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray with Hypochlorous Acid—it soothes and gently cleanses your skin to prevent further breakouts!


Reason #2: Beard burn

boyfriend causing my breakout

Nothing feels better than a kiss on the lips from the person you love. That is, of course, unless said person is rocking stubble and/or a full beard. In these cases, the facial hair can wreak havoc on your skin. How? Well, for starters, the friction can cause a lot of irritation, leading to beard burn. And, in the worst cases, the irritation can cause a big breakout to occur. 

The fix: Soothing, hydrating serums and moisturisers will help calm some of the irritation, but if you want to avoid beard burn altogether, your best bet is to get him to agree to a clean shave. If not, then the only advice we have is to encourage more… discretion during make-out sessions.


Reason #3: Aftershave incompatibility

If he’s partial to a clean-shaven face and you’re still breaking out, the problem likely lies in his skincare routine. Certain aftershaves and shaving gels can be formulated with fragrances that may be irritating your skin. Alternatively, he may be using skincare products that aren’t compatible with your skin’s needs, thus causing your breakouts.

The fix: Find out which product is causing you grief and gift him a brand-new routine. Not only does it help you, but it’ll make him feel so pampered too! Win-win.


Reason #4: A detergent allergy


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There’s nothing better than snuggling up with your boo, lying there with your head on his chest and listening to the sound of his heartbeat. That is, of course, until your skin starts to itch. In fact, if you’re lying in his sheets, you may be itching all over your body! Fret not—it’s not bed bugs, it’s a detergent allergy. 

The fix: Either get him to switch up his laundry detergent or insist that you stay at your place instead. Alternatively, try bringing your own pillowcase to his house. PS: If he has any pets that you may be allergic to, keep them away from the areas you come into contact with the most.


Reason #5: He’s stressing you out


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Is he incapable of putting his dirty clothes in the laundry bin? Is he farting on you for sport?  Is he texting his ex? In the case that your man isn’t bringing you joy, the stress of the relationship could be behind your breakouts.

The fix: Dump him. Just joking—first, try to resolve your issues in a mature, honest way. If that doesn’t work, then deeply assess whether the relationship is worth it. If so, work on it. If not, then dump him. 


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