1. Sneaky acne or pimples while you’re on vacay
“I have tried most things and now I use the Glamglow Youth Mud face mask as it brightens my skin, but more importantly smoothens it so that my NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer, RM112, glides on easily to cover up imperfections.”
2. Puffiness or eye bags that – we swear – weren’t there this morning
“I use Bliss Triple Oxygen Eye Masks, which I usually leave on for 15 minutes. If I know I will have less time, I place them in the fridge the night before. Then it is a case of using a slightly lighter shade of concealer underneath the ‘bag’ to lift that area and to reduce the puffiness.”
3. Post-beach holiday skin saviours
“Coconut Oil! The NARS Monoi Body Glow II, RM202, is not just great to use after you’ve been out in the sun (it reduces the burn and peeling to keep your tan on for longer), but also helps get your skin in top condition for the beach. I exfoliate first using REN Guerande Salt Exfoliating Body Balm before generously massaging the oil onto my skin.”
4. #DateNightDisaster: uneven makeup!
“Most washrooms have facial tissues. I would wrap the tissue around my finger and use it to remove any unwanted makeup before using a bit of concealer and a little bit of powder – I use NARS All Day Luminous Powder Foundation, RM181 as it has a sponge with both a puff and a sponge side. Powder is great for softening the look and helps make things look a lot cleaner.”
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