Here are the winners of National Geographic 2017 Travel Photographer of the Year contest
Stunning images

The National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year contest has come to be a hallmark of photography finesse. Featuring various subjects from Nature to People and Cities, the entries for this year’s contest were nothing short of amazing. Over 15,000 submissions were received, which were then narrowed down to a selection of great finalists.
The 2017 grand-prize winner is Sergio Tapiro Velasco with his stunning shot captioned ‘The Power of Nature’. His winning image taken in Colima, Mexico is of a fork of lighting striking a volcano as it erupts.
“When I looked on the camera display, all I could do was stare,” he said. “What I was watching was impossible to conceive, the image showed those amazing forces of nature interacting on a volcano, while the lightning brightened the whole scene. It’s an impossible photograph and my once in a lifetime shot that shows the power of nature.”
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Sergio’s grand prize includes a 10-day trip for two to the Galápagos Archipelago with National Geographic Expeditions and US$2,500. The first, second and third-place winners from the Cities, Nature and People cateogries were award US$2,500, US$750 and US$500 respectively and subscriptions to National Geographic Traveler magazine.
“The quality of submissions in the 2017 Travel Photographer of the Year contest was wonderfully eclectic,” said Molly Roberts, who is National Geographic’s senior photography editor and one of this year’s judges along with two award-winning photographers Benjamin Lowy and Jody MacDonald. “I was inspired by the variety of locations and creativity of the photographers in their quest to make compelling images.”
See all the winning images here.
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