
11 Social media reactions to the record high of 11,079 Covid-19 cases in Malaysia


By Natalie Khoo

11 Social media reactions to the record high of 11,079 Covid-19 cases in Malaysia

Just when Malaysians had gained a sliver of hope that things might look up after a slight dip in Covid-19 cases to 8,574 yesterday (July 12), we’re slapped with a staggering 11,079 cases today (July 13). This is the first time we’ve recorded a five-figure breach in infections in a single day—surpassing the previous daily record of 9,533 cases on July 10.

Selangor alone accounts for nearly half (47.5 per cent) of that figure with 5,263 new cases. Kuala Lumpur also recorded a huge jump in cases with 1,521 new infections, compared to 609 yesterday.

According to The Edge, the jump in cases comes as the Health Ministry ramps up health screening and close contact tracing in areas under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

Suffice to say, the news has shaken us all—even those who have stopped keeping up with the daily cases. In response to breaching the ‘11K’ mark, here are 11 social media reactions Malaysians can relate to right now.

1. Everyone’s first reaction be like:

2. Pardon the language

3. So, you thought 10K comes after 9K?

4. A picture *screams* a thousand words


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A post shared by MAGGY WANG (@themaggywang)

5. When it’s not funny but laughter is your coping mechanism


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A post shared by Harvinth Skin (@harvinthskin)

6. Oh, how the tables have turned


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A post shared by Mingy 밍유 | Yue. (@mingasaur)

7. No more ‘reaccs’ to give

8. Only food can comfort us now



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