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What makes Ukhorsky’s work so intriguing is his stunning architectural takes, and the beautiful symmetry he finds in each frame. He nails the perfect combination of monochromatic hues and colourful edits, making his feed a very aesthetically pleasing one.
2. Pei Ketron
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Based in San Francisco, photographer Pei Ketron has an adept eye for symmetry, which translates into unique and beautiful perspectives of what seems like mundane subjects. Her love for very geometric and symmetrical scenes results in wonderful captures of train stations, bridges and buildings that find balance with other more personal, daily snaps.
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A fun take on symmetry, this is the Instagram account of an East London couple who has garnered quite a following with posts of their symmetrical breakfasts. Michael Zee prepares the food for him and his boyfriend Mark van Beek daily, and carefully styles their almost identical breakfasts to be photographed each day—très adorable.
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