The film titled, ‘#Moment of Note’, captures Australian Fashion Blogger, Nadia Fairfax, Malaysian Actor/ Director, Joseph Germani, Filipino Performing Artist/ Producer/ Director, Gabriel Valenciano, and Taiwanese Producer/ Entertainer How How on their 24-hour journey exploring the new smartphone and discovering the city that never sleeps; New York City.
The film also sees these personalities showcasing their creativity using the many functions offered by the Galaxy Note 5 to capture, create, and share their experiences. Among their favourite features used to create the film are Screen Write, Action Memo, Advanced Camera System, Live Broadcast and Quicker Access to Air Command with S Pen.
#Moment of Note highlights how the Galaxy Note 5 was designed for multi-taskers and people on-the-go, expanding the functionality of its iconic S pen, which includes jotting down notes on the screen even when the device is turned off. Another useful function is that users can access the smartphone’s advances camera system in less than one second by double-clicking the home button.
Made to share moments, Live Broadcast allows users to instantly live-stream Full HD videos straight from their phone to any individual, group of contacts, or even the public through YouTube Live — a function that is definitely a treasured one by these influencers and their followers.
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Watch #Moment of Note here.
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