For first-timers or millennials who are not familiar with kopitiams, ordering at one can be a little intimidating, because physical menus are almost non-existent at these traditional coffeeshops; or maybe you’ve been to a kopitiam many times but never bothered to order anything else other than the usual teh-O (that’ll be me)—that is where this illustrated guide comes in. Whether you like your coffee (or tea) sweetened or not, strong or weak, we’ve got you covered. Drink up some kopitiam lingo knowledge here and order like a pro the next time you walk into your neighbourhood coffeeshop:
Kopi (coffee):
{insert gallery tpl=”slide-freesize.tpl” id=”kopitiam lingo kopi” rid=”4404″ order=”a_tstamp”}
Teh (tea):
{insert gallery tpl=”slide-freesize.tpl” id=”kopitiam lingo teh” rid=”4405″ order=”a_tstamp”}
Other drinks you might find at a kopitiam:
{insert gallery tpl=”slide-freesize.tpl” id=”kopitiam lingo others” rid=”4406″ order=”a_tstamp”}
If you would like your drink to come with ice (because we all know how hot it can get in Malaysia), simply add peng or ais to the end of your orders.
Illustrations by digital designer Chong Yi Suen.
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