In 2009, illustrator Jake Parker started the #Inktober challenge as a way to improve his “inking skills and develop positive drawing habits”. It was a simple reminder to create a drawing in ink for every day of October and share it online with the hashtag #Inktober. Little did he know, this has grown to become an annual movement with many other creatives around the world taking part.
Since 2016, Inktober now has an official prompt list with words as daily inspiration. While artists are encouraged to do a drawing each day, #Inktober is not about rigidity, rather it is about being consistent in practice. See some of the incredible pieces we’ve seen on the ‘gram so far including Malaysian represents – Han and Red Hongyi (no. 5 and 6 below).
1) Irina (@tsarina_rina_art)
2) Kodey Bell (@imaginesto)
3) Sheila Ruiz (@sheilaruizart)
4) Merle Goll (@merlegoll_illustration)
5) Han (@hasenur)
6) Red Hongyi (@redhongyi)
7) Nachtdier (@nachtdier)
8) Marie Vanderbemden (@marie.illustrations)
9) Yosef El-Mekawy (@l_mekawy)
10) Paul Joseph Seddon (@pauljosephseddon)
11) Morgan Kergroach (@morgankergroach)
If you want to get in on the #Inktober challenge, you’re not too late. See below for the prompt list for the rest of October. Happy drawing!
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