I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve always found taxidermy incredibly eerie. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that you’re in the presence of something that used to be a living creature (often an endangered one); or if it’s simply the fact that someone pretty much gutted these animals and stuffed them for décor.
Artist Kelly Rene Jelinek turns that around for us. Helming Little Stag Studio, Jelinek creates faux taxidermy animals, using fabric from upholstery. Creating the animals in real-life size, the artist produces the heads of stags, lions, yaks and even dinosaurs, decked in vibrant colours and fine patterns.
That’s not to say the finished products aren’t somewhat terrifying, at first glance. I’m pretty sure I’d possibly get a heart attack if I walked into a room with a colourful lion roaring its head off (pun intended.) But what Jelinek produces, I’ll duly note, are rather brilliant art pieces. Not only does her work spare the lives of endangered animals; she recreates them in such fine detail that it’s difficult not to admire them.
“I find that I am constantly trying to make ‘real life’ more magical and extraordinary through the artwork I create,” the artist says on her website. “The faux taxidermy art that I create is a great example of this: something traditional and commonplace is transformed into something new and exciting.”
See more of Jelinek’s work here.
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