As a child, you might have remembered soaking in the wonders of fun and play as you jump up and down a bouncing castle, trampoline or even just a medicine ball. In an attempt to recreate those memories and happy feelings, Snarkitecture has set up its newest interactive installation along the Hong Kong waterfront that will bring the surreal moment back to life again.
The public art installation called ‘Bounce’ features hundreds of giant bouncing balls that are scattered across a cage-like stadium, in which you can dive in, roll, lift and toss hundreds of supersized balls in the air. Snarkitecture said this space allows visitors to “create their own unique playing experiences”. It is also the studio’s attempt to draw attention to the “boundaries between art and architecture”.
‘Bounce’ is the outfit’s main installation out of three locations in Hong Kong. The others are ‘Gallery by the Harbour’, an indoor installation at the Ocean Centre and a children’s ‘Eyeball Maze’ at the Ocean Terminal. The former is set up as a supersized playground and the latter is meant to be an enchanting space for kids to explore a variety of challenging games.
Snarkitecture’s interactive art installations will be open until 2 September. Don’t miss it if you’re in Hong Kong over the upcoming public holidays. Did we mention it’s free admission? Details here.
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