
Go on a Journey of Tapas with Gastrodome Group

Small eats, huge tastes


By Buro247

Go on a Journey of Tapas with Gastrodome Group

Tapas are the perfect reason to have wine in the afternoon and here are 4 dishes that make an even better case: 


1. Fabas con almejas y pulpo @ La Bodega Pavilion

Paired with the fruity and smooth Paco & Lola Albarino, this dish made with spanish white beans with clams and octopus will certainly please the palate.


2. Sepia en salsa @ La Bodega BSC

This delicious cuttlefish dish with salsa pairs perfectly with the light rose wine, Luces Rosado. 


3. Albondigas de rabo de toro a la guiness @ La Bodega Empire Shopping Gallery

We can already see you nodding with approval at this Guiness oxtail meatball dish. Elevate your dining experience of this tapas with the dark and fruity Laderas de el Seque.


4. Bacalao gratinado con alioli y escalibada @ La Bodega Telawi 2

This cod fish alioli grattan with a simple escalivada pairs perfectly with the classic white wine with citrus notes, Phenomenal Verdejo Rueda. Perfect for those looking for a refreshing afternoon. 

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